"Dalam diri manusia itu terdapat seketul daging. Apabila daging yang seketul itu baik maka akan baiklah seluruh tubuh badannya. Dan apabila rosak daging yang seketul akan rosaklah tubuh badannya. Dan daging yang seketul itu ialah hati."
Hmm...hari ini, nak lbh kepada perkongsian sbnrnya...Sbnrnya takde la sgt2 bagus dalam nak bagi tazkirah ni, tapi apa yang kita tau n mmg dah jadi kebiasaan kami pon, berkongsi teladan hidup dari kesah diri yang sebenar. Bukan tak malu bila menceritakan kelemahan diri, tapi kalau dgn kesalahan yang kita pernah lakukan dan menyesalinya, bila kita ceritakan pada org, bleh dijadikan sempadan, for me, why not? Nothing to loose pon if we share it with others...
Setelah agak lama jugak dibawa arus khayalan dan kealpaan, akhirnya DIA memanggilku kembali ke jalanNYA sblm lbh tersasar....Ilham yang DIA beri cukup simple, cukup mudah..hanya melalui satira di dalam novel. Mungkin bagi sesetgh org, rasa useless la, sbb kot la dapat pengajaran n keinsafan dari bahan bacaan haraki etc takpe la jugak kan...Tapi ketahuilah, DIA lbh tahu tntg hamba2NYA. DIA tau tahap 'hantu' hambaNYA ni pada novel(well, luckily i manage to classified good novel, not the picisan2 one) like what written by FT and of course Hlovate, my current obsession...Bagaikan sentapan yang amat kuat dirasakan saat itu. Semuanya bermula dgn amat terancang. And yes, ALLAH is very good on planning all HIS hamba's way of life, through the light.
Starting from cases of my fren who got sick. Well, sometimes i kind of malas u know, but then, ALLAH reminds me after solah that we should made people sick happy...Well, yaa...maybe she'll happy, n i should go as she's my fren. isn't it? Well, by going there, the story was becoming smoother and elaborated...I found 'rooftop rant' by Hlovate, the book my fren bought for her self as birthday present as she though that everybody forget coz nobody cares(and she's totally wrong bout that)...I asked to borrow and easily she gave me that book..what a relieve...able to follow all the hikayat that i like.... With no wait, i read it, enjoy it, feel it and also think about it. I started to think of future bla..bla..bla...(as what written in previous post)..Then i realize, what have i done to my life..at that time, i was lepaking at masjid UPM, taking the fresh breeze(in KL standard la) and relaxing myself while reading.
I start kumpul all my strenght as i thought that i need and have to change.. Well, after that, life start to begins. I start to plan for my future. A lil bit regret that i realize after 1 year lost..Better be late than neva..isn't it...What i find interesting is that conversation between jade and trisy, to live well or live hell, u choose..i now, i choose live well, insyaAllah.. rite now, i have full energy, not like tin kosong lagi coz i know that ALLAH is by my side all the time. I can't imagine if one day, HE left me behind as result of kemurkaan to me on my doing...nauzubillah...
Well, frenz, do take care ur heart. Find ur eternal love...ALLAH is always there for u...don't eva give up on HIM...check ur heart..maybe they have lost their 'function'...Save it before it is too late for u to turn back....Don't forget, doa is weapons for all muslims...Be fair to ur self and don't be too berkira to HIM coz HE have give u a lot but gave HIM nothing as return....MAY U ALLAH BLESS US....
Environmental Lab
Faculty of Engineering
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